For years I have been curious to learn French. So I jumped to the opportunity. Pimsleur is an easy and efficient way to learn a foreign language. They offer over 50 languages including Russian, Chinese, Spanish and Italian. With all courses being less than 30 minutes you can take your CD anywhere and learn to understand and speak conversational French (in my case) These lessons are great I learned to understand and speak conversational French just in a couple of discs. Not to mention that I can pretty much ask around when I do go to France. The disc are divided in lessons that are short 30 minutes you can do them while cooking or driving. What I did as upload them to my Itunes library and synced to my phone. That way I can listen to it on my way to work or pretty much anywhere. .super easy anyone can do it.
I was excited to learn that along the way I get writing lessons and an online workbook that I can download and print. Although it is a bot pricey you wont be disappointed your pronunciation will improve, vocabulary and like I said you can have a proper conversation. I don't understand why I never heard of Pimsleur since I find it every effective. This is definitely the product to buy when you are serious about learning a new language. It is a great course for beginners, so easy anyone can do it.
You can find this and other Pimsleur coursed to Purchase at Amazon.
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