Have you ever purchased a First Aid Kit (expensive by the way) only to find out it have hundreds of bandages inside. When you are a mommy, college student or just want to be one step ahead you are going to have to make your own first aid kit.
So I made a bit of research of some basic things you need to have in your medicine cabinet:
- Aspirin (pain relief, fever reduction)
- Antibiotic Ointment (Prevents infection on minor cuts and scrapes)
- Antihistamines (Congestion, Colds and even Bee Stings)
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Ibuprofen (Advil)
- Thermometer
- Antiseptics (Alcohol)
- Cortisone Cream (Relieves itching and inflammation, bug bites and skin allergies)
- Anti Fungal Cream (ringworm, jock itch, athlete's foot)
- Calamine Lotion (pain and itching caused by bug bites)
- Tweezers (Splinters)
- Adhesive Bandages
- Gauze Pads/Surgical Tape
- Elastic Bandages
- Eye drops
- Aloe Vera Gel (minor burns)
- Antacids (liquid or tablet)
If you have this you are pretty much set for any minor injury, pain etc. This is only temporary so if you have a serious problem do not rely on the Internet and seek professional medical help.