My hubby is a DVDs and video game hoarders. Like you can imagine we have a large amount of DVDs, video games and Cd's we don't use. We have game consoles from back in the day and if I could get rid of them I would.
We recently moved from Riverside to LA and I found out how much stuff we actually had. Though it was a very short amount of time that I had to pack, I was able to separate all the DVDs games etc in a different box. It makes it difficult for anybody to move or even save space for other things when you have cabinets full of stuff. So I made it a challenge for me to get rid of some of the old stuff and I found the perfect way of doing so!
There is a cool way to save time doing so using Music Magpie IPhone App (also available for Android and its free!). All you have to do is create an account and scan away using your cell phone camera as a bar code scanner. You can take your phone to the attic or basement where ever you keep your stuff and scan without having to move and type each one, one by one.
If you are going to keep buying cds, dvds, or games you can also trade. I love that they don't charge you a seller as opposed to their websites such as amazon and half.com plus its free shipping whats not to love!
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