Lady Gaga will wear this extravagant design by Giorgio Armani on her upcoming Born This Way Ball tour, which starts April 27. Giorgio Armani, released this sketch of one of the costumes he's designed for the upcoming tour. Above one of the 4 extravagant but still Lady Gaga, made out of black bodice, transparent Plexiglas black crystals, and studs, with a matching headpiece of course only she would be able to rock.
Lady Gaga will wear this extravagant design by Giorgio Armani on her upcoming Born This Way Ball tour, which starts April 27. Giorgio Armani, released this sketch of one of the costumes he's designed for the upcoming tour. Above one of the 4 extravagant but still Lady Gaga, made out of black bodice, transparent Plexiglas black crystals, and studs, with a matching headpiece of course only she would be able to rock.