As a college student you are always looking out for ways to save money specially when tuition rates are as high as they are now. When I was a college student I spent so much money on textbooks that were expensive and worth next to nothing by the end of the semester. I found a great website where you can rent your textbooks at a low cost. You really save a lot plus you don't have to overcrowd your bookshelves with textbooks you will never use again. It is a hassle to try and sell your textbooks and they change the edition every half a year it seems. So what you initially paid say $100 is not to a mere $20. What a waste of money! Depending on the amount of courses you take buying textbooks can get pretty expensive and for those of you in school you know what I mean. Campus Book Rentals allows you to rent the textbook for the amount of time that you need it, then you simply return it....