Though times do not always call for drastic measures! It so easy to save money without having to cut back on your everyday shopping. Save over $20 by buying gift cards before you shop, dine or hit the town. So if you know you have to go back to school shopping for yourself or the kids why not purchase a Kohl's GC that will save you $15 while getting $100 worth of merchandise. Or if you are like me, my husband and I enjoy our movie dates roughly spending $25-35 each time we go so buying a Fandango GC will make a great difference. Savvy shoppers can triple dip on savings this week when they purchase multi-pack gift cards. Here’s How It Works 1. Promotional Offer - 15% off gift card multi-packs from 8/16 through 8/19 (offer valid on Fandango, TGIF, Xbox, Cold Stone or iHOP) 2. Fuel Rewards - Safeway offers double-fuel points for every dollar you spend on gift cards redeemable at Safeway, Chevron, or Texaco stations ($1 = 2 fuel points). Req...